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Struggling With Sleep Apnea? Follow These Tips

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Posted on: 08/13/22

Sleep apnea may be the cause of your difficulties during sleep. Lots of people deal with this condition every day, and it is often a problem that is quite unpleasant to manage. Luckily, there are ways to fight back against sleep apnea. Ahead, you will find some great advice to help in managing sleep apnea.

If you wear a CPAP for your sleep apnea symptoms, but are still bothered by your mouth opening when you try to sleep, get a chin strap. Invest a little money into a CPAP machine to assist you during sleep. CPAP cant work with an open mouth, so try using this device to fix the issue.

Eliminate or reduce your alcohol consumption to reduce your sleep apnea episodes. The relaxation that results from alcohol use can cause you to breathe less deeply and may also increase the likelihood that your upper airway will collapse. If you cant refrain altogether from alcohol, make sure that you dont drink for at least 3 hours before bedtime.

If you use a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea, sleep with it every night. When you take the mask off at night, your symptoms will return. Sometimes they might disappear for one or two nights, but then return. Wearing the mask every night prevents episodes of sleep apnea from occurring.

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, ask your sleep partner to listen to your breathing while you sleep. See if they detect loud snoring as you get deeper into sleep. In addition, ask if they notice any periods when you appear to stop breathing for a time and then suddenly let out a loud snort and start breathing again. If you sleep alone, consider tape recording yourself to listen for these breathing abnormalities.

If you have sleep apnea and have been using your current CPAP machine for five years or more, see if it is time to get it replaced. CPAP technology is rapidly changing all the time. Many insurance policies allow for a new CPAP machine every five years. If yours does, consider upgrading to the newest CPAP so you can get the best treatment possible.


Learn how to play a wind instrument. Studies have found that playing a wind instrument like the flute or the didgeridoo can help with sleep apnea. Wind instruments exercise your breathing and help your body get accustomed to taking in sufficient amounts of air. Your throat will be able to better control airway dilation.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can be improved by losing weight if you are obese. Losing about 25 pounds can dramatically improve this condition. For some people that will cure the problem, for others it may just help improve the symptoms that you are experiencing. Try to eat healthy and make sure to get enough exercise every day.

Play wind instruments. It exercises your throat muscles and strengthens your lungs while stimulating your mind and providing relaxation. When youre using these instruments, you end up strengthening the muscles which can aid you while sleeping, minimizing the sleep apnea symptoms.

The first thing you should do if you discover you have sleep apnea is take a long look at your weight. If you are overweight that can be increasing the problem. That means you need to take some time to learn about weight loss and exercise. Not only will your sleep improve, but your whole life will.

Many treatment options are effective in treating sleep apnea. Try each of them and keep up with the ones that work. Applying the information youve just learned will have you on your way to adequate rest. You do not need to be a victim of sleep apnea any longer.

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